Wednesday 11 February 2015

Intro to Chemistry

Chemistry started out as a study where a group of people tried to mix things in order to make more useful and pricy things. For example, mixing lizard tails with frogs to make potions. Or to turn lead into gold and being rich in an instant.

Of course they didn't get what they wanted. It's just against the law of nature, don't you agree? They ended up getting nothing. Or so you think. It turns out that they realized there were some unusual happenings during their attempts to create all those impossible stuffs, and that's where chemistry comes in. To explain ridiculous and undefined phenomena.

I'd like to think chemistry as what we call by 'magic' in fiction novels and movies.

Why? Because it's a study of something that cannot be seen with our eyes. They're so small that you don't really know what's actually happening -  you can only guess, even with experiments. These experiments are accepted to be close to the truth because they're logical, but nobody actually knows whether it's legit or not.

I'd like to share some basic knowledge on chemistry on the next few posts. By basic, I won't use any chemistry equations or anything like that, so it's going to be just the big idea behind them explained casually. I sure hope that you will be able to make a sense out of it.

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